Ten years ago I visited Nek Chand's Rock Garden in the Indian city of Chandigarh, a fascinating metropolis designed by Le Corbusier. The eighteen acre sculpture garden is home to thousands of Chand's mosaic figures and is one of India's top tourist attractions. Nek Chand was a self taught artist and used materials collected from demolition sites across the city, making his mosaics from discarded and recycled materials. Before his death in 2015 Chand formed a strong bond with John Maizels, founder of Raw Vision Magazine and together they were able to show his work in Europe and America. Chand entrusted Maizels with many of his figures and it was amazing to visit his collection and photograph these figures in his home and garden near Watford, just outside London.
Carmel King
Nek Chand Garden
Updated: Oct 3, 2022